Nodejsand然后 | 软件工程 2022-04-30 214 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
本书先简单介绍Node.js,然后用各种例子讲解Node.js的基本特性,然后用案例教学来描述如何使用Node.js进行Web开发,然后讨论一些高级的Node., Node.js 主题,最后展示了如何将 Node.,js 应用程序部署到生产环境。
本书面向对 Node.js 感兴趣但没有基础的读者。 也可以作为已经了解Node.js,有一定Web前后端开发经验,想尝试新技术的开发者参考。

(This book first briefly introduces node JS, and then explain node with various examples JS, and then use case teaching to describe how to use node JS for web development, and then discuss some advanced nodes, Node. JS topic, and finally shows how to add node, JS applications are deployed to the production environment.This book is for node JS interested but no basic readers. It can also be used as a node that has been known JS, has some experience in front and back-end web development, and is a reference for developers who want to try new technologies.)


上一篇:Node Web开发.pdf
下一篇:程序员的思维修炼 开发认知潜能的九堂课-中文版.pdf