NodeandapplicationsWeb | 软件工程 2022-04-30 216 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Node 是一个服务器端 JavaScript 解释器,一个轻量级且高效的平台,用于构建响应式、高度可扩展的 Web 应用程序。 Node采用事件驱动、非阻塞的UO模型,非常适合数据密集、实时响应要求高的分布式应用。微软、eBay、LinkedIn、雅虎等S界知名公司和网站都有使用Node的成功案例。
本书是基于 Node.js 开发 Web 应用程序的实用指南。全书分为6章。通过实例详细介绍了Node的背景、原理和应用方法。全书内容涉及Node简介、Node安装、Node模块,实现不同版本的简单应用,实现简单的Web服务器和EventEmitter,以及数据的存储和检索。此外,本书还涵盖了 Node 服务器端开发的主要挑战和解决方案。

(Node is a server-side JavaScript interpreter, a lightweight and efficient platform for building responsive and highly scalable web applications. Node adopts event driven and non blocking uo model, which is very suitable for distributed applications with dense data and high real-time response requirements. Microsoft, eBay, LinkedIn, Yahoo and other world-famous companies and websites have successful cases of using node.This book is based on node JS is a practical guide to developing web applications. The book is divided into six chapters. The background, principle and application method of node are introduced in detail through an example. The book covers node introduction, node installation, node module, simple applications of different versions, simple web server and EventEmitter, and data storage and retrieval. In addition, this book also covers the main challenges and solutions of node server-side development.This book is suitable for web front and back-end developers to learn and reference.)

