握手TheTLSsecurity | 软件工程 2022-04-28 218 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
上一讲讲了TLS1.2的握手过程。 你完全掌握了吗?
但是,TLS1.2 在 10 年前(2008 年)已经是一个“旧”协议。 虽然通过了考验,但毕竟“时间不饶人”,无论从安全性还是性能上都已经跟不上现在的互联网了。
在抓包和分析握手之前,让我们快速看一下 TLS 1.3 的三个主要改进目标:兼容性、安全性和性能。

(The last lecture talked about tls1 2 handshake process. Have you fully mastered it?However, tls1 The "old agreement" was already "10 years ago". Although it passed the test, after all, time is unforgiving. It can't keep up with the current Internet in terms of security and performance.So after four years of repeated polishing and nearly 30 drafts, tls1 3 finally made its debut last year (2018), once again setting a new standard in the field of information security.Before capturing packets and analyzing handshakes, let's take a quick look at the three main improvement objectives of TLS 1.3: compatibility, security and performance.)

