HTTPSthe协议and | 软件工程 2022-04-28 277 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
有了这些知识“底层”,现在我们可以正式开始研究 HTTPS 和 TLS 协议了。
HTTPS 建立连接
当您在浏览器的地址栏中键入以“https”开头的 URI 并按 Enter 时会发生什么?
回想第 8 讲,你应该知道浏览器首先从 URI 中提取协议名和域名。因为协议名是“https”,所以浏览器默认知道端口号是443。然后通过DNS解析域名获取目标IP地址,然后可以通过三次握手与网站建立TCP连接。
在 HTTP 协议中,连接建立后,浏览器会立即发送请求消息。但现在是 HTTPS 协议,它需要使用另一个“握手”过程在 TCP 上建立安全连接,然后发送和接收 HTTP 数据包。
这个“握手”过程有点类似于 TCP。它是 HTTPS 和 TLS 协议中最重要和最核心的部分。了解之后,你可以自豪的说你已经“掌握了HTTPS”。

(After the introduction of the previous lessons, you should be familiar with cryptography knowledge such as symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, digital signature and certificate.With this knowledge "bottom", now we can officially start to study HTTPS and TLS protocols.HTTPS connectionWhat happens when you type a URI starting with "HTTPS" in the address bar of your browser and press enter?Recall from Lesson 8 that you should know that the browser first extracts the protocol name and domain name from the URI. Because the protocol name is "HTTPS", the browser knows by default that the port number is 443. Then the domain name is resolved through DNS to obtain the target IP address, and then a TCP connection can be established with the website through three handshakes.In the HTTP protocol, the browser will send a request message immediately after the connection is established. But now it is HTTPS protocol, which needs to use another "handshake" process to establish a secure connection over TCP, and then send and receive HTTP packets.This "handshake" process is somewhat similar to TCP. It is the most important and core part of HTTPS and TLS protocols. After understanding, you can proudly say that you have "mastered HTTPS".)

