Webthe标准standards | 软件工程 2022-04-27 256 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
易于更新。 Web标准是W3C(万维网联盟,World Wide Web Consortium)发布的一组建议。如果所有浏览器制造商和所有网络程序员都遵循这些规范,那么理论上,所有网页在每个浏览器中的外观和行为都相同。但是,说起来容易,做起来难。
2004 年底,当我撰写本书第一版时,Web 标准运动如火如荼。如今,大多数新建网站的设计和编程方式都符合 Web 标准。因此,Web也发展到了更好的阶段。
由 Web 标准的倡导者推动的这一运动不仅使 Web 变得更好,而且更可预测。这些倡导者与浏览器制造商合作,确保新浏览器能够按照 W3C 的建议解释三种主要的客户端编程语言(XHTML、CSS 和 JavaScript),而不是出于自私地强调竞争优势。Z场有自己的标签和特征。

(This book focuses on how to build a website in the simplest and most effective way. In addition, users can easily access these websites, andEasy to update. Web standards are a set of recommendations issued by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). If all browser manufacturers and all web programmers follow these specifications, in theory, all web pages look and behave the same in each browser. However, it is easier said than done.At the end of 2004, when I wrote the first edition of this book, the web standards movement was in full swing. Today, most new websites are designed and programmed in accordance with web standards. Therefore, the web has also developed to a better stage.This movement, driven by the advocates of web standards, not only makes the web better, but also more predictable. These advocates work with browser manufacturers to ensure that the new browser can interpret the three main client programming languages (XHTML, CSS and JavaScript) as recommended by the W3C, rather than selfishly emphasizing competitive advantage. The battlefield has its own labels and characteristics.)

