the传输HTTPand | 软件工程 2022-04-27 226 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Last time we talked about the body in HTTP messages. We know that HTTP can transmit a variety of data, not only text, but also pictures, audio and video.In the early days, only a few thousand bytes of text and small pictures were basically transmitted on the Internet, but now the situation is very different. The web page contains too much information. A random homepage HTML may have hundreds of K, and high-quality pictures are m, not to mention those movies and TV dramas. There are thousands of megabytes and tens of gigabytes. possible.In contrast, 100m optical fiber fixed network or 4G mobile network has become a "small water pipe" under the pressure of these large files. Whether uploading or downloading, the network transmission link will be "full".Therefore, how to efficiently and quickly transmit these large files under limited bandwidth has become an important topic. This is like the refrigerator door has been opened (connection established), how to put the elephant (file) in and then close the door (complete transmission)?Today, let's see what means in HTTP protocol can solve this problem.)


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