the资源Resourceused | 软件工程 2022-04-26 213 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
上一课我们一起学习了HTTP协议中的请求方法。 最常用的一种是GET,用于从服务器上的资源获取数据,另一种是POST,向资源提交数据。
那么,应该用什么来标记服务器上的资源呢? 如何区分“这个”资源和“那个”资源?
经过前面几讲的学习,想必大家已经知道使用了URI,也就是UniformResource标识符(UniformResource identifier)。 因为它经常出现在浏览器的地址栏中,所以俗称“网络地址”,简称“URL”。
严格来说,URI 并不完全等同于 Web 地址。 它包含两部分:URL 和URN。 HTTPS界中使用的网址实际上是一个URL——统一资源定位器(Uniform Resource Locator)。 但由于 URL 无处不在,因此两者通常被认为是完全相等的。

(In the last lesson, we learned the request method in HTTP protocol. The most commonly used one is get, which is used to obtain data from resources on the server, and the other is post, which is used to submit data to resources.So, what should be used to mark the resources on the server? How to distinguish between "this" resource and "that" resource?After learning from the previous talks, you must already know that the URI is used, that is, the uniformresource identifier. Because it often appears in the address bar of the browser, it is commonly known as "network address" or "URL".Strictly speaking, a URI is not exactly equivalent to a web address. It consists of two parts: URL and urn. The web address used in the HTTP world is actually a URL - uniform resource locator. However, because URLs are everywhere, they are usually considered to be exactly equal.)


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