canvasandHTML5the | 软件工程 2022-04-26 237 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
HTML5 Canvas 基础教程
Canvas 是在台式机、平板电脑和手机上开发跨平台动画和游戏的标准解决方案,并且还具有对图像和视频进行像素级操作的能力,为未来的 Web 图形和视频处理创造了广阔的空间。学HTML5,必学Canvas,本书可为Canvas开发打下坚实基础
这是一本真正面向初学者的书。从 HTML5 的历史和 JavaScript(和 jQuery)的基本概念开始,让 HTML5 和 JavaScript 的新手更容易上手。然后,作者对 Canvas 的各个方面进行了连贯的、逐步的介绍,包括渲染上下文、坐标系、画布状态、变形合成以及高级图像和视频处理。在此基础上,本书总结了与创建动画相关的数学和物理学。最后,通过对《太空保龄球》和《小行星回避》两款经典游戏的构思、设计和编码的详细分析,向读者介绍了HTML5游戏开发的殿堂。

(HTML5 canvas basic tutorialCanvas is a standard solution for developing cross platform animation and games on desktops, tablets and mobile phones. It also has the ability to operate images and videos at the pixel level, creating a broad space for future web graphics and video processing. To learn HTML5, you must learn canvas. This book can lay a solid foundation for canvas developmentThis is a real book for beginners. Start with the history of HTML5 and the basic concepts of JavaScript (and jQuery), making HTML5 and JavaScript easier for novices. Then, the author makes a coherent and step-by-step introduction to all aspects of canvas, including rendering context, coordinate system, canvas state, deformation synthesis and advanced image and video processing. On this basis, this book summarizes the mathematics and Physics related to creating animation. Finally, through the detailed analysis of the conception, design and coding of two classic games, space bowling and asteroid avoidance, this paper introduces the palace of HTML5 game development to readers.)


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