一本The生存力量 | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 267 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
狼的生存是在恶劣的环境中创造强大的生存空间; 狼群是在充满Z斗力的对手之间组织起一支强大的团队力量。 狼文化,顾名思义,就是野性的斗志和竞争。

本书从多方面解读了狼之道和人性之道。 它不仅是一本关于个人生存的智慧书,也是一本关于团队管理的书,一本企业发展应遵循的原则书。 你可以从中学习。 找到你最需要的精神力量。

(The survival of wolves is to create a strong living space in a harsh environment; A wolf pack is a powerful team force organized between opponents full of combat effectiveness. Wolf culture, as its name implies, is wild fighting spirit and competition.This book interprets the way of wolf and the way of human nature from many aspects. It is not only a wisdom book about individual survival, but also a book about team management and the principles that should be followed in the development of enterprises. You can learn from it. Find the spiritual strength you need most.)



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