thePersonality心理学and | 其他书籍 2022-04-20 239 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
《人格心理学》 人格研究一直是心理学家感兴趣的课题,近60年来一直是现代心理学的研究领域之一。在传统心理学中,个性分析的一些细节被挑出来,一些有趣的见解被拿出来供公众讨论,但主要的问题,即个性分析对生活的深层意义,却很少被提及。本书以“九型人格”系统为主线,以心理学中的“深层心理学”和“性格心理学”理论为基础,详细介绍了人格的特征和类型以及如何纠正人格缺陷。本书语言通俗,案例生动,内容详实。是一本教人品格分析和品格发展的实用书籍。



(Personality psychology personality research has always been a topic of interest to psychologists, and has been one of the research fields of modern psychology in recent 60 years. In traditional psychology, some details of personality analysis are picked out and some interesting opinions are put forward for public discussion, but the main problem, that is, the deep significance of personality analysis to life, is rarely mentioned. Taking the "nine types of personality" system as the main line and based on the theories of "deep psychology" and "personality psychology" in psychology, this book introduces in detail the characteristics and types of personality and how to correct personality defects. The language of this book is popular, the cases are vivid and the content is detailed. It is a practical book to teach character analysis and character development.The psychology of the original family explores the influence of the original family on children and various psychological problems that children may encounter in the process of growing up from the perspective of psychology. Analyze the harm of the original family from the perspectives of parenting environment, vicious language, violence and excessive control, so as to provide effective self transformation and personality remodeling programs for the victims. This is a very convenient book for readers who are traumatized by their home families and will raise their children in their new homes.The psychology of social phobia introduces what is the real social phobia, the various types and causes of social phobia, and the relationship between social phobia and personality; Then it will help you understand yourself correctly and pay attention to your inner beliefs. The patient re sets his fear thinking and finds a social style suitable for him. Finally, he proposed psychotherapy and practical therapy to overcome social fear, so as to help patients get rid of the sequelae of fear and enjoy social fun. In addition, each chapter of the book has a psychological test, which can help readers better read and understand themselves.)


