the尺度Androidand | android开发 2022-10-28 66 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Android Course Handout Smart Phone Development 4 User Interface Smart Phone Development User Interface User Interface Description Layout Create Menu Menus Create Dialogs Manage User UI Events User Prompt Decide Customized Component Data Bind Interface Simulator Screen HVGA-L: 480x320 Horizontal HVGA-P: 320x480 Vertical (Default) QVGA-L: 320x240 horizontal screen QVGA-P: 240x320 vertical screen WVGA-L: 800x480 horizontal screen UI user interface design: Icon design and application require a variety of icon scales and positioning Launcherics should have a variety of shapes and styles, but also form a consistent visual personality, and its scale and positioning are also consistent: red border is the icon scale, blue border is the graphic scale, slightly smaller than the icon scale, and the space outside the graphics is about displaying shadows and special effects. The orange border is another graphic scale. The two types of graphic scales can achieve the same visual weight. Icon's personality is in line with the current prevailing trend to prevent excessive use of metaphor. Highly simplified and exaggerated, small-scale icons can also be easily identified, and should not be too messy. Try to capture the main features of the program, such as audio and video as the icon of music. The natural contour and shape are used to make it look slightly and organically without distortion of reality. The front view is adopted, with almost no perspective, and the light source is at the top. Unsmooth but textured. UI user interface design: Widget design Widget is a new feature of Android 1.5. The licensed program displays some common and main information on the user's desktop home screen. The standard Android system image includes some example widgets, including pointer clock, music player and other tools such as Google search bar. Widgets are functional controls that can be written by users themselves.
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