Provider文件lifecycle周期 | android开发 2022-10-28 49 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Directory User Foundation ApplicationFundamentals4 Key Class 4 User Component 5 Activate Component: intent7 Close Component 7 Manifest File 8 Intent Filter 8 Activity and Command 10 Affinity And new commands 11 Loading mode 12 Sorting warehouse 13 Starting command 14 Process and thread 14 Process 15 Thread 15 Remote procedure call 15 Thread safe method 16 Component lifecycle 17 Activity lifecycle 17 Call parent class 18 Service lifecycle 21 Broadcast receiver lifecycle 22 Process and lifecycle 22 User interface 24 View hierarchy ViewHierarchy 24 Design Layout25 Parts Widgets26 User interface events UIEvents26 Menu Menus26 Advanced topic Advoc EdTopics27 Adapter 27 Personality and theme Styles and Themes27 Resources and properties ResourcesandAssets28 Resource reference ResourceReference43 Internationalization and Localization43 Purpose and destination filter IntentsandIntentFilters43 Destination filter Intentfilters47 General condition Commoncases51 Usage purpose matching Usingintentmatching52 Data storage Datastorage52 Overview Storagequickview52? System preference: fast, lightweight storage 52? File: stored in the device or removable flash 52? Database: unbridled structured storage 52? Support network-based storage 52 System preference Preferences 53 File 54 Database Databases 54 Network 55 Content provider ContentProviders55 Basic knowledge of content provider ContentProviderBasics55 Query a content provider QueryingaContentProvider57 Modify data ModifyingData61 Create a content provider CreatingaContentProvider64ContentURI Summary 67 Manifest file TheAndroidManifest The structure of the ManifestFile68 file of xmlFile68 lists the characteristics of FileConventions70 file FileFeatures73. This document includes the following attachments:
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