MongoDB查询explanationLesson | Jsp/Servlet 2022-10-08 89 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Course outline: MongoDB basics: Lesson 1, Nosql and MongoDB (background of the rise of Nosql, introduction to various nosql databases, MongoDB attributes) Lesson 2, MongoDB installation configuration (MongoDB installation and use, basic system management skills, web console use) Lesson 3, MongoDB shell details (introduction to MongoDB shell use and commands, backup recovery, data import and export) Lesson 4, MongoDB documents, collections Concept of database (introduction to basic concepts such as document, set, database, library file storage method, and command rules) Lesson 5 Introduction to MongoDB data types (detailed introduction to MongoDB supported data types) MongoDB development guide: Lesson 6 MongoDB adding, deleting, and modifying documents (explanation of commands for adding, deleting, and modifying documents in MongoDB, insertion principle, batch modification, and use of modifiers) Lesson 7 MongoDB query syntax I (detailed explanation of MongoDB's powerful query functions, combined queries of $in, $or, $ne, $lt, $gt and other operators), Lecture 8, MongoDB query syntax II (detailed explanation of MongoDB's powerful query functions, regular expression queries, array queries, and embedded document queries), Lecture 9, MongoDB query syntax III (detailed explanation of MongoDB where queries, cursor operations, paging queries, code examples, and cursor internals), Lecture 10 MongoDB index (detailed explanation of MongoDB index principle, management, index query analysis tool, forced index use, etc.) Lesson 11: MongoDB aggregate statistics (explanation of MongoDB aggregate statistics function))

