Nettyprogramming入门核心 | .net编程 2022-10-07 138 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(There are 24 courses from Netty Introduction to Mastery, the core technology of the Internet of Things. 1、 Software used in the course: java 1.7.0_ 79, netty-all-4.0.19. Final. jar, eclipse/myeclipse. II. Technical points involved in the course: 1. Network programming, which mainly introduces the basic concepts of network programming, socket server and client programming, multi-threaded communication, UDP communication, TCPUDPHTTP contact and difference. 2. Netty introduction basics to advanced features, Netty core concepts, Transports, Buffers, etc. 3. Netty practice and tuning)


上一篇:[JAVA网络编程 (第3版)].哈诺德.扫描版.part1