(This program selects MFC to realize K-means algorithm. The graphical interface is simple and easy to understand, which is very helpful to the compatriots who are beginning to learn mfc programming!
Distinguishing cluster res SHELL.ico
Distinguishing cluster res SHELL.rc2
Distinguishing Clustering icon1. ico
Distinguish Clusters ReadMe.txt
Distinguishing Clusters resource. h
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.APS
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.clw
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.cpp
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.dps
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.dsw
Distinguishing cluster SHELL. h
Distinguishing Cluster SHELL.ncb
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.opt
Distinguishing Clustering SHELL.plg
Distinguishing Cluster SHELL.rc
Distinguishing Clustering SHELLDlg.cpp
Distinguishing cluster SHELLDlg. h
Distinguishing Clustering StdAfx.cpp
Distinguishing cluster StdAfx. h