(It is the same as the student library management system of the linked list that started to be transmitted. This is also written in linked lists. Realized function: charging in different areas by sections and hourly deduction for total charging
Telecom Billing System Debug main.exe
Telecommunication Billing System Debug main.ilk
Telecommunication Billing System Debug main.obj
Telecommunication Billing System Debug main.pch
Telecommunication Billing System Debug main.pdb
Telecom billing system Debug vc60.idb
Telecom billing system Debug vc60.pdb
Telecommunication Billing System 5.dat
Telecom Billing System area.txt
Telecom Billing System detail.txt
Telecom Billing System discount.txt
Telecommunication Billing System main. c
Telecommunication Billing System main.dsp
Telecommunication Billing System main.dsw
Telecommunication Billing System main.ncb
Telecommunication Billing System main.opt
Telecommunication Billing System main.plg
Telecom Billing System user.txt