(Dou Di Zhu compiled with SDK is suitable for children's shoes that need to be compiled with mfc. This document includes the following attachments:
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.bsc
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.exe
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.ilk
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.pch
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.pdb
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\ddz.res
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\main.obj
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\main.sbr
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\vc60.idb
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\Debug\vc60.pdb
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\3.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\back.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\bc.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\bj.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\bj2.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\cardback.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.aps
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.dsp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.dsw
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.ncb
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.opt
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.plg
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddz.rc
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddzAI.cpp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\ddzAI.h
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\hand.cur
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\lord.bmp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\lord.ico
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\main.cpp
The SDK is used to fight against landlords. sdk_ ddz\no.bmp