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(VC  Experience and Skills Dictionary Supporting Code Chapter 06 includes: 6.1 Form Title Bar Use 0332 Form with Shining Title Bar 0333 to hide and display the title bar 0334 Drag the form without title bar 0335 to obtain the content of the title bar 0336 Rolled form title bar 0337 Drag method of untitled dialog box 6.2 Form orientation and size control 0339 Form that cannot be moved 0340 Form that is always on the top 0341 Form that moves with the mouse 0342 Control the maximum size of the form Minimization 0343 Judge whether the form is minimized or not 0346 Limit the size of the form on the task bar 0345 Adjust the size of the form with the mouse buttons 0347 Form displayed based on the image size 0348 Get the control at the mouse point at that time 6.3 Personalized form 0350 Translucent form 0351 Transparent form 0352 Font form 0353 Rounded form 0354 Display the form in the shape of an image 0355 Use the program scene to blend with the desktop 0356 Stereoscopic window shadow effect 6.4 Animation form boundary Face 0357 Animation Display Form 0358 Fade out Form 0359 Hidden Form as qq 0360 Horizontally Expandable Dialog Box 0361 Vertically Expandable Dialog Box 0362 Call Office Assistant 0363 Screen Rollover 0364 Display Rainbow Text Caption in Form 0365 Implement Text Horizontal Pull in Form 0366 Implement Kaleidoscope Function in Form 0367 Implement Animation Function in Form 6.5 Practical Form Technology 0368 Immediately Replace Set Form 0369 Display Expectation Window Body 0370 display is used for the form 0371 Close the form without using the ESC key 0372 Pop up the recognition dialog box before closing the form 0373 Pop up the login dialog box before displaying the form 0374 Set up the dialog box Color 0375 Use the brush to make the color 0376 Set the color mutation of the form 0377 Save the dialog box to the disk as a bitmap 0378 Display HTML files in the dialog box 0379 Create a view in the dialog box 0380 How to share dialog box resources 0381 How to realize the form support After 0384, use CDialogBar6.6 cursor in the dialog box, use 0386 crosshairs to locate 0387, get the orientation coordinates of the cursor, 0388 to limit the moving range of the cursor, 6.7 menu use 0392 to add menu items in the system menu, 0393 menu with previous history information, 0394 to set whether the menu can use 0395 to add checkmarks to the menu, 0396 floating menu, 0397 right-click to pop up menu, 0398 pull-down menu, 0399 taskbar tray pop up menu, 0400 to make sudden changes Functions Menu 0401 Set the font of menu items to bold 6.8 Toolbar and status bar Use 0402 Toolbars with scenery 0403 Add edit boxes to toolbars 0404 Toolbars with prompt function 0405 Hot spot functions of toolbar buttons 0406 Define XP personalized toolbars 0407 Status bar with progress bar 0408 Display system time status bar 0409 Display rolling captions status bar 04010 Display animated status bar 0411 Make status bar follow the dialog box Change by change 6.9 Document view structure Use 0412 to place controls in the view 0413 to cut windows 0414 to cut windows 0417 to tumble views CScrollView class Use 0418 tree view CTreeView class Use 0419 list view CListView class Use 0420 HTML view CHtmlView class Use a total of 78 examples
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  res  b.bmp
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Use of Form Title Bar  0332 Forms with Shining Title Bar  res  Desktop_ ini
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  res  SSdbtl.ico
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  res  SSdbtl.rc2
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Use of Form Title Bar  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  Desktop_ ini
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  ReadMe.txt
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Use of Form Title Bar  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  resource. h
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  SSdbtl.clw
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Use of Form Title Bar  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  SSdbtl.cpp
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  SSdbtl.dsp
VC  Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Title Bar Use  0332 Form with Shining Title Bar  SSdbtl.dsw
VC  Experience Skills CD Kit Code Chapter 06  06 User Interface  6.1 Form Label)


上一篇:Windows 程序设计 MFC