商用EngineeringdevelopmentCommercial | C#编程 2022-10-03 119 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(0bug: The Way of C/C  Commercial Engineering: Years of first-line experience and an unmistakable way of development This book mainly discusses the program practice of C/C  language in commercial engineering development, starting from the need to understand the program of C and C  language from the perspective of commercial solutions word/5919. htm # 39; target=#39;_ blank#39; gt; Design skills. In this book, valuable experience and ideas are summarized on the issues related to error free, parallelism, time slice, memory pool, thread pool, command pool, engineering library and cross mode that commercial programmers attach most importance to in practical office work. This book is not a textbook, but rather gives examples and summaries in development skills, testing and debugging, engineering code base, etc. This book can also be said to be a textbook. The author attempts to help readers improve a new programming concept through practical skills. This book can help you break away from the "Training" programming development ideas and methods, and cultivate the "commercial" and "product" standardized engineering development technology. This document includes the following annexes:
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