(This is the book of the fourth version of Tan Haoqiang's C Language Programming (2010). This is the courseware and the code of after class questions. This document includes the following annexes:
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Reaction Table.xls
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 10 Input and Output of Files. ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 1 Programming and C-language.ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 2 Algorithm -- The Soul of Program.ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 3 Simplest C Programming. ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 4 Selection Structure Programming. ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 5 Cyclic Structure Programming. ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 6 Using Arrays to Manage Batch Data.ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 7 Modular Programming with Function.ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Chapter 8 is longer than using pointer. ppt
22446C Program Design (Fourth Edition) Chapter 9 User Built Data Type.ppt
22446C Programming (Fourth Edition) Description.txt
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C4 Learning and Teaching Procedures xt11-5. c