(It is very helpful to use Hook to record keyboard messages and obtain passwords
Keyboard Record HookDll res HookDll.rc2
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.aps
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.clw
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.cpp
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.def
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.dsp
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.dsw
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll. h
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.ncb
Keyboard Recording HookDll HookDll.opt
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.plg
Keyboard Record HookDll HookDll.rc
Keyboard Record HookDll ReadMe.txt
Keyboard Record HookDll Resource. h
Keyboard Record HookDll StdAfx.cpp
Keyboard Record HookDll StdAfx. h
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug HookDll.dll
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug HookDll.lib
Keyboard record KeyHook Debug KeyHook.exe
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug KeyHook.ilk
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug KeyHook. obj
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug KeyHook.pch
Keyboard Record KeyHook Debug KeyHook.pdb
Keyboard record KeyHook Debug KeyHook.res
Keyboard record KeyHook Debug vc60.idb
Keyboard record KeyHook Debug vc60.pdb
Keyboard Record KeyHook HookDll.dll
Keyboard Record KeyHook HookDll. h
Keyboard Record KeyHook HookDll.lib
Keyboard Record KeyHook KeyHook.aps)