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(This guide includes the following chapters and appendices: Chapter 1 introduces SunJavaTMWirelessToolkitforCLDC and the development functions it provides. Chapter 2 describes the development process for creating and running MIDlets. Chapter 3 describes how to use the items in the toolkit. You'll understand how to adjust project properties, manipulate MIDlets and use the push registry, and understand the project's directory structure. Chapter 4 introduces the emulator and explains how to adjust the emulator options and take advantage of its many features. Chapter 5 describes how to use the method profiler, memory monitor, and network monitor to detect the functionality of the application. Chapter 6 describes how to sign MIDlet suites, and manage keys and certificates. ...Chapter 17 describes how to manage the resources of the MobileInternationalizationAPI.
WTK_2[1].5.2_User_Guide_Chinese version.pdf)


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