string数组字符串函数 | GIS编程 2022-09-29 139 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(String is a special string class for C++. It is recommended to use it to retain strings rather than character arrays during programming. When using it, you should include a header file named string. c_ str(); String+stringsrtcpy() size() length() Look up the help document string (char []); intatoi(constcharStr) This function can convert string to int type, for example: int i=atoi (12345); This sentence means to convert the string 12345 to the int type and use it to initialize the variable i; Read() file -- gt; Memory write (, char
,) Character array structure struct I: Effect: It is mainly used to encapsulate a group of data of different types: Note:<imgsrc="sad. gif" smilieid="2" border="0" alt=""/>1): The storage of each member in memory is inconsistent. (Difference from arrays) (2): There can be structure functions and other functions, but they are usually not written (3): Attributes and methods can also be decorated with private, public, and protected, but the default is public, and they are usually not written.
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