theprimerlanguage本书 | 图形图像处理 2022-09-29 193 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(PrefaceC  Primer,FourthEdition,providesacomprehensiveintroductiontotheC  language.Asaprimer,itprovidesacleartutorialapproachtothelanguage,enhancedbynumerousexamplesandotherlearningaids.Unlikemostprimers,it alsoprovidesadetaileddescriptionofthelanguage,withparticularemphasisoncurrentandeffectiveprogrammingtechniques.This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the C   language. As an introductory book (Primer), it provides a clear explanation of the C   language in the form of a tutorial, supplemented by rich examples and various learning aids. Unlike most introductory tutorials, this book provides a detailed description of the C   language itself, with special emphasis on current and effective programming techniques. CountlessprogrammershaveusedpreviouseditionsofC  PrimertolearnC  .InthattimeC  hasmaturedgreatly.Overtheyears,thefocusofthelanguageandofC  programmershasgrownbeyondaconcentrationonrun-timeefficiencytofocusonwaysofmakingprogrammersmoreefficient.Withthewidespreadavailabilityofthestandardlibrary,itispossibletouseandlearnC  moreeffectivelythaninthepast.ThisrevisionoftheC  Primerreflectsthesenewpossiblities.无数程序员曾使用本书的前几个版本学习C  ,在此期间C   It also gradually develops sophistication. Over the years, the development direction of C   language and the focus of C   programmers have shifted from focusing on runtime efficiency in the past to improving the programming efficiency of programmers in every possible way. With the widely available specification library, we can now learn and use C   more efficiently than ever before. This edition of the book takes full advantage of that.
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