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(This resource is the original clear PDF, with appendix source code content introduction "C   Programming Thinking" (Volume 1) (2nd Edition) is a prestigious book in the field of C  , the content, teaching methods, selection examples and follow-up exercises in the book It is suitable for both classroom teaching and self-study by readers. Whether it is a student of computer and related majors in colleges and universities, or a professional in the industry, as well as a broad range of computer enthusiasts, they can obtain valuable benefits from reading "C   Programming Thinking" (Volume 1) (Second Edition) . Compared with the first edition, the second edition has the following changes in the arrangement of chapters. Two chapters have been added: "Object Creation and Use" and "C in C  ", the former and "Object Introduction" are actually a complete rewrite of the "Object Evolution" chapter of the first edition. The most effective effect of research and practice of target method and programming method, the increase of the latter enables readers who are not familiar with C to directly use "C   Programming Thinking" (Volume 1) (Second Edition). Removed four chapters: "Introduction to Input and Output Streams", "Multiple Inheritance", "Exception Management", and "Runtime Type Recognition", the removals attributed to the more cluttered topics in C  , which the author finalized together with the C   Standard Some additional content is put into the second volume of "C   Programming Thinking" (Volume 1) (2nd Edition), making the content of "C   Programming Thinking" (Volume 1) (2nd Edition) Volume 1 more content. It is gathered for readers of different degrees to choose and read. It needs to be emphasized that the changes in the second edition are not only in the adjustment of these chapters, but more changes are made in the implication of each chapter, including for example the adjustment of the adjustment and the addition of the exercises. Distinctive, carefully chosen material and a well-thought-out narrative make this second edition even more sophisticated. This document includes the following attachments:
C   Programming Thinking (PDF)\018.PDF
C   Programming Thinking (PDF)\019.PDF
C   Programming Thinking (PDF)\020.PDF
C   Programming Thinking (PDF)\021.PDF
C   programming thinking (PDF)\ThinkinginC  2ndedition with book source code.zip
C   Programming Thinking (PDF)\Introduction.txt
C   programming thinking (PDF)\directory.txt


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