言语languageThe规范 | 3G/4G/5G开发 2022-09-28 143 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Official C/C   development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. The C language programming book is very good for beginners!!!!!!! The C language was designed and created by Dennis Ritchie of the United States in 1972, and was first used on the DECPDP-11 computer of the UNIX operating system. It evolved from the previous programming language BCPL (Basic? CombindProgrammingLanguage). In 1970, Ken Thompson of ATT Bell Labs designed a more advanced language named B based on the BCPL language, and finally led to the advent of the C language. ?With the increasing popularity of microcomputers, there are many C language versions. Because there is no consistent specification, there are some inconsistencies among these C languages. In order to change this situation, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has drawn up a set of ANSI specifications for the C language, which has become the current C language specification. This document includes the following attachments:
"C Language Programming Collection" e-book.chm)


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