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(Official C/C   development engineer (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. [Original title] C  Templates: TheCompleteGuide This book is a complete guide to C   template programming. It aims to lay a solid foundation for readers of C   template knowledge through basic concepts, common skills, and effective materials in three aspects. The book consists of 5 parts and 22 chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the content structure of the book and related conditions. Part 1 (Chapters 2-7) introduces the basic concepts of templates in a tutorial-like manner, Part 2 (Chapters 8-13) addresses the verbal details of templates, and Part 3 (Chapters 14-18) introduces Basic Design Techniques Supported by C   Templates, Part 4 (Chapters 19-22) delves into the various common programs that use templates. The appendix section is a related material for definition guidelines and overload resolution. This book is suitable for beginners of C   template technology to read, and it can also be used as a reference for C   programmers who have certain programming experience.
c  template electronic version pdf\zhy\《C  Template》(Hou Jie).pdf
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