MFClibrary函数function | Websocket编程 2022-09-25 208 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Official C/C   development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. The function library of MFC is explained in detail, and each function is explained in detail. This resource includes the MFC Class Library Detailed Explanation eBook and the MFC Class Library Reference Manual file. This book's table of contents · Hierarchical structure diagram intuitively describes the various types of connections in MFC. · MFC classes specify each class and header file information in the MFC library. ·MFC macros and big picture detail each macro, big picture function, big picture variable in MFC library. ·Structures, Personalities, Callback Functions, and Message Maps Specify each structure, personality, callback function, and message map in the MFC library.
MFC Function Library Manual\MFC Class Library Reference Manual.pdf
MFC Function Library Manual\MFC Class Library Detailed Explanation.chm


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