(It is also a classic. This material includes the following attachments:
The beauty of programming\-NIM(2) "Nian" game analysis.pdf
The beauty of programming\01 the number.pdf
The beauty of programming\0Don't be intimidated by factorial.pdf
The beauty of programming\0Seek to post "Water King".pdf
The beauty of programming\0 to find the largest number of K.pdf
The beauty of programming\taskmanager.pdf
The beauty of programming\Chinese/Chinese chess generals problem.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Maximum Product of Subarrays.pdf
The beauty of programming\New Microsoft Word document.doc
The beauty of programming\find the maximum interval of nodes/points in a binary tree.pdf
The beauty of programming\find the number of 1s in a binary number.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Tile Covering Floors.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Precise Expression of Floating Point Numbers.pdf
The beauty of programming\Programming to determine whether two linked lists intersect.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Calculating the Similarity of Strings.pdf
The beauty of programming\Let the CPU usage curve follow your command.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Lianliankan Game Design.pdf
The beauty of programming\The problem of King Kong flying by plane.pdf
The Beauty of Programming\Beverage Supply.pdf