InternetdevelopmentprogrammingVisualC | 驱动 2022-09-24 138 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Official C/C   development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. ? This book introduced VisualC  6.0 network and Internet development technology easily through a large number of examples. The whole book consists of 8 chapters, the main contents include: Internet usage program development foundation, WinInet class programming, WinInet client usage program development, WinInetAPI programming, WinInetAPI client usage development, WindowsSockets class programming, WindowsSockets usage program development and e-mail programming. The whole book gives a representative example for each kind of programming technology, and integrates the Internet features and technical difficulties of Visual C  6.0 into detailed examples, so that readers can master network and Internet development agilely through the study of examples technology. The CD-ROM attached to this book contains the source code of comprehensive example. The content of this book is comprehensive and in-depth, suitable for medium and high-level programming technology development personnel, as well as reference for teachers and students in colleges and universities, and is also suitable for all kinds of training class students to learn VisualC  , network and Internet development technology. This document includes the following attachments:
VisualC  6.0 Network and Internet Development Guide.pdf

