(Official C/C development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. The source code of the VC network voice chat sub-unit has a packaged TalkDll.dll library file and contains some source files of the library files, which is convenient for learning and reference. This library file can be used to implement voice chat very easily. It can be seen from the interface , Now the function is not too complicated, only to realize a fixed IP, realize the voice chat function.
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\Debug\chat.exe
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\Debug\chat.ilk
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\Debug\chat.obj
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\Debug\chat.pch
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\Debug\chat.pdb
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\Debug\chat.res
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\Debug\chatDlg.obj
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\Debug\login.obj
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\Debug\StdAfx.obj
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\Debug\vc60.idb
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\Debug\vc60.pdb
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\res\chat.ico
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\res\chat.rc2
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\chat.aps
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chat.clw
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\chat.cpp
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\chat.dsp
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\chat.dsw
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chat.h
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chat.ncb
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chat.opt
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance \chat\chat.plg
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chat.rc
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\chatDlg.cpp
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\chatDlg.h
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\login.cpp
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\login.h
C Voice Chat Advance\C Voice Chat Advance\chat\ReadMe.txt
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\Resource.h
C Voice Chat Pre\C Voice Chat Pre\chat\StdAfx.cpp)