ACEwrappersconfiglocal | 企业管理 2022-09-23 190 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Open the D:\ACE_wrappers\ace directory and create a new file config.h, the content is #includeace/config-win32.h Open the console: SETACE_ROOT=D:\ACE_wrappersSETSSL_ROOT=D:\OpenSSL set the BCB version, BCB5 is set to 5; BCB6 is set to 6; BDS2006, RAD2007 set to 8SETBCBVER=8 (Note: the latest ACE5.6.9 does not need to set this item, the BCB it requests is RAD2009) CDD:\ACE_wrappers\ace directory make-fmakefile.borall compile (Note: the latest version For make-fmakefile.bmakall) successfully, dll and lib files will be generated under D:\ACE_wrappers\lib 2.2 Next, compile ACE_SSL and put the BCB connection library file of OpenSSL in the lib and out32 paths under the OpenSSL path. If OpenSSL does not provide BCB connection file, use implib-axxx.libxxx.dll to generate it by yourself. CDD:\ACE_wrappers\ace\SSLperlD:\ACE_wrappers\bin\MPC.pl – typeborlandssl.mpc generates SSL.bor. Perhaps perlD:\ACE_wrappers\bin\MPC.pl–typebmakessl.mpc generates Makefile.SSL.bmakmake–fSSL.bor to compile (Note: If you use Makefile.SSL.bmak, you may need SETDEBUG=1 or SETRELEASE=1, set Debug version or release version) 2.3 may show the error n?? The make tool is wrong, there may be other make on the path. The solution is SETPATH=BCB's bin way; perl's bin way, so that it will not be disturbed by other ways. n?? Compilation error, unable to find SSL related files, check if SSL_ROOT is set correctly, and refer to openssl installation. n?? Connection error, SSL connection file format is incorrect. Refer to 2.2 Check the SSL connection file settings are correct. Could not find ACEd.lib, compile 2.1 under D:\ACE_wrappers\lib to generate a backup copy of ACE_bd.lib and name it ACEd.lib. 3WindowsMingW version download msys tool. Install. Open the D:\ACE_wrappers\ace directory and create a new file config.h, the content is #includeace/config-win32.h Open msys:cd/d/ACE_wrappers/aceexportACE_ROOT=/d/ACE_wrappersexportSSL_ROOT=/d/OpenSSLIf there is no way to configure MingW , then: exportPATH=MingW way <imgsrc="shy.gif"smilieid="8"border="0"alt=""/>PATHmakeall compile into SSL directory, make compile 4Linux version to decompress ACE package. It is assumed to be unpacked under /usr/local/src. Create a new file config.h under /usr/local/src/ACE_wrappers/ace: n?? If it is linux, it will be: #includeace/config-linux.hn?? If it is another UNIX
, it is #includeace/config-system version-c   compiler.h. Can detect config under /usr/local/src/ACE_wrappers/ace
.h files. exportACE_ROOT=/usr/local/src/ACE_wrapperscd/usr/local/src/ACE_wrappersmakecd/usr/local/src/ACE_wrappers/SSLmake/usr/local/src/ACE_wrappers/lib, socd/usr/libln- s/usr/local/src/ACE_wrappers/lib builds a symbolic link for the compiled so


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