thetutorialthis函数 | 企业管理 2022-09-23 137 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(51CTO official C/C   development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. This is a very classic C introductory tutorial on the Internet. Through the introduction from the shallower to the deeper and the rich examples, the reader can quickly enter the door of C programming. It turned out to be the Web version. I kept the page and made it into a chm e-book through careful sorting. It is strongly recommended for brothers who want to learn C to read. This tutorial is translated and adapted from Juan Soulie's English version of the C tutorial. This edition is the latest revision and has not yet been finalized. If there is any unclear or wrong place, please refer to the original English version, and please leave a message on this site to correct it. The copyright belongs to the author, look forward to the connection, please do not forward. This tutorial provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the C language, from basic knowledge to the latest features of the ANSI-C specification, covering basic concepts such as arrays and classes to advanced concepts such as polymorphism and templates. The tutorial is based on the principle of effectiveness, and each last section is linked to a working program example, so that the reader can get started from the first lesson. This translated version retains Chinese and English comparisons for many keywords in C concepts, so that readers can enhance their understanding and facilitate future reading of the original English textbook. How to use this tutorial BasicsofC? .Datatypes.ConstantsOperator/OperatorsConsole InteractionCommunicationthroughconsoleControl Structures and FunctionsControlStructuresFunctionsControl StructuresControlStructuresFunctionsIFunctionsI FunctionsIIFunctionsIIAdvanced Data TypesAdvancedDataArraysArraysStringsStringsofCharactersPointersPointersDynamic Memory AllocationDynamicmemoryData StructuresDataStructuresCustom Data TypesUserdefineddatatypesOriented Object programmingObject-orientedProgrammingClasses, structure functions and destructors, class pointers Classes.ConstructorsandDestructors.Pointerstoclasses. Operator overloading, this, static members PolymorphismVirtualMembers.Abstraction.PolymorphismCAdvancedAdvancedconceptsTemplateTemplatesNamespaceNamespacesError managementExceptionhandlingType conversionAdvancedAdvacnedClassType-castingPre-management commands
C   Basic Tutorial.chm
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