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(51CTO official C/C   development engineer QQ group (1090119), please enter your ID for verification. This book tells you how to design and implement C   software more effectively: make it behave more accurately; be more robust in the face of unusual conditions; more efficient; more portable; make better use of language features; more gracefully. Adjust habits; work better in "mixed-language" development environments; easier to use accurately; less likely to be misused. Simply put, it's how to make software better. The content of this book is divided into 35 articles. Each article is a concise summary of the accumulated wisdom of the C   programming community on a specific topic. Most clauses appear in the form of principles, with accompanying notes discussing why the principle exists, the consequences of non-compliance, and the circumstances under which the principle can reasonably be violated. All terms are divided into several categories by me. Certain terms concern specific speech properties, especially new properties that you may have little experience with. For example, items 9-15 focus on exceptions (like those magazine articles published by Tom Cargill, Jack Reeves, HerbSutter). Other clauses explain how to combine different properties of speech to achieve higher-order solutions. For example, clauses 25-31 describe how to limit the number of objects or their birth addresses, how to generate tools for similar virtual functions based on more than one object type, how to generate smartpointers, and so on. Other clauses govern broader headings. Items 16-24 focus on efficiency issues. Regardless of which clause, what is provided is a practice that is relevant to its subject and has serious implications. In the book MoreEffectiveC   you will learn how to use C   more effectively and intelligently. Many of the descriptions of the nature of speech in most C   textbooks can only be regarded as a background information for this book.
Effective_C  2e.pdf
Hou JieMoreEffectiveC  (WQ Chinese version).doc)

