防火墙firewallThe使用 | 百货/超市行业 2022-09-22 144 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(First: The enterprise server is Linux. In this case, there is no third-party software firewall, use Linux's own firewall iptables, and mainly use the enterprise to manage the Internet access and website access of some employees at a certain time. This document sets the rules for the firewall, the following network segments , network card, IP address, etc. to set variables. After a slight modification in the document, the transplant can be used! If you do not clean up the firewall script usage and configuration, please xiaozhuang.blog.51cto/4396589/874938
Enterprise Server Firewall Rules Script.txt)

