thehtmtemplate模板 | 前端开发 2021-09-30 709 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品


1. about.htm 关于我们的频道模板,是静态的!它是一个单页模板。不叫。改文件直接修改即可!
2. Article_article.htm 新闻内容页!
3. article_image.htm 案例内容页面!
4.cases.htm的案例列表页面 ****瀑布式*****没有分页。默认设置最多可显示 1000 个案例。如果还不够,可以自己换!在后台添加案例时要注意!缩略图要缩小到原图的一定比例,上传原图不裁剪,如果自动使用缩略图,瀑布效果一般比较高。 . .很板。 . .添加时要注意!
5.contact.htm 联系我们频道模板,本身是静态的,部分基本参数内容被调用,直接修改文件内容。
7. header.htm 标题模板!修改栏目内容后标题会自动变化(固定栏目只能修改!添加无效!)
8.Index.htm 主页模板!文章和案例都是推荐属性!
10. List_article.htm 新闻列表页! (用于新闻更新的子栏!)
11. mobile.htm 手机端频道模板,本身是静态的,不叫,如果改了直接修改文件!
12. news.htm 新闻动态列表模板(每条新闻调用一个,其实就是频道模板样式,这里改链接)
14. Solutions.htm 最终的解决方案模板,它自己的静态状态,以及每个子栏的链接都已经设置好了。如果你想改变它,你可以直接改变id。

(If the website is misplaced after installation, please check the following two settings
1. The website program must be placed in the root directory
2. Go to the background [System]-[System Basic Parameters], modify the "site root URL" to your URL.

1. about.htm About our channel template, it is static! It is a single-page template. Not called. Modify the file directly if you change it!
2. Article_article.htm news content page!
3. The article_image.htm case content page!
4. Case list page of cases.htm ****Waterfall style*****There is no pagination. The default setting can display up to 1000 cases. If it is not enough, you can change it yourself! Pay attention when adding cases in the background! Thumbnails should be reduced to a certain proportion of the original image, upload the original image without cropping, if the thumbnail is automatically used, the waterfall effect is generally high. . . Very board. . . Pay attention when adding!
5. contact.htm Contact us channel template, itself is static, part of the basic parameter content is called, directly modify the file content.
6. Footer.htm bottom template! The content is modified in the basic parameters of the background!
7. header.htm header template! The title will automatically change after the content of the column is modified (fixed columns can only be modified! Adding is invalid!)
8. Index.htm home page template! Articles and cases are recommended attributes!
9. Index_article.htm channel template (only used in the sub-columns in the solution!)
10. List_article.htm news list page! (Used in the sub-columns of news updates!)
11. mobile.htm mobile terminal channel template, itself is static, not called, if you change, modify the file directly!
12. news.htm News dynamic list template (call one for each news, actually the channel template style, change the link here)
13. The service.htm service scope channel page, itself is static, not called, if you change it, directly modify the file!
14. Solutions.htm The final solution template, its own static status, and the links of each sub-column have been set. You can change the id directly if you want to change it.)

