命令CommandsWindows端口 | 百货/超市行业 2022-09-20 106 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Chapter 1 Basic System Security Settings [Add to Favorites] 1 NTFS file system directory permission setting 2 Export of encrypted private key under Windows system 3 Import of encrypted private key under Windows system 4 Reject malicious code in Windows system 5 Block system dump file in Windows 6 Turn off unnecessary services 7 Block encrypted Windows folders 8 Block empty connections 9 Reject malicious interruptions of ActiveX controls 10 Reject Windows system log leaks 11 Reject Windows system simple sharing leaks 12 Configure and use Windows 2003DFS13 Configure and empty the system using Windows 2003EFS14Remotely accessible Registry comprehensive path 15 Set Win2003 system firewall 16 Set patch automatic upgrade 17 Technological Internet patching 18 Authorize shared file permissions for Windows users 19 Unlock Windows Registry Editor 20 Completely disable EFS encryption on the local machine 21 In the registry Avoiding page file leaks 22 Turning off the Messenger service in the registry 23 Turning off default sharing in the registry 24 Preventing system privacy leakage in the registry 25 Turning off remote registry services 26 Avoiding SYN flood attacks Chapter 2 Account security configuration 27 No display 28 Create a new administrator and reuse the username from the previous login 29 Create a new account named Administrator 30 Password security settings 31 Repair the administrator account Administrator title 32 Don't automate password filling Chapter 3 Close ports 33 Detect ports 34 Close 3389 port 35 close 445 port 36 close 139 port 37 close 135 port 38 close 25 port 39 close port 23 port 40 close 21 port 41 create an IP security policy to block port 42 Windows TCP IP port selection Chapter 4 Common DOS Commands Back Everything Video Tutorial Zone 43AT Commands 44CD Commands 45CHKDSK Commands 46CLS and VER Commands 47COPY Commands 48DATE and TIME Commands 49DEL Commands 50DIR Commands 51FORMAT Commands 52IPCONFIG Commands 53MD Commands 54NetAccounts Commands 55Netconfig Commands 56Netlocalgroup Commands 57Netshare Commands 58Netstart Commands 59Netuser Commands 60Netuse Commands 61NSLOOKUP62PING Commands 63RD Commands 64REN Commands 65Tasklist Commands 66TREE Commands Use the 67TYPE command 68XCOPY command 69 to open the DOS command prompt window in two ways
Computer Security Settings Video Tutorial Complete Collection.txt)

