微软捕获Windows驱动程序 | 企业管理 2022-09-19 93 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets passing through your network adapter and inspect the captured data as a sequence of sessions between client and server. You can detect TCP/IP sessions in two ways: ASCII (for text-based protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, POP3, and FTP.), and Hexdump (for non-text basic protocols, such as DNS). SmartSniff provides 3 methods to capture TCP/IP packets: 1. Initial socket (only applicable to Windows2000/XP or higher): You can capture TCP/IP packets on your network without installing any capture driver. This method has certain limitations and problems. 2.WinPcap capture driver: It can capture all TCP/IP packets on Windows operating system. (Windows98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista) If you want to use this method, please download and install the WinPcap capture driver from the official website first. (WinPcap is a free and open source capture driver.) In general, SmartSniff is more suitable for capturing TCP/IP packets using this method, and will be better than initial sockets. 3. Microsoft network monitoring driver (only for Windows2000/XP/2003): Under Windows2000/XP/2003, SmartSniff can use this free capture driver provided by Microsoft, but this driver is not installed by default, you need to Manual installation using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Install from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the method introduced on the Microsoft website.
Method 2 (only for XP): Download and install Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this patch is netcap.exe. When you run this tool for the first time, the network monitoring driver will be automatically installed on your system. 4. Microsoft Network Monitoring Driver 3: Microsoft provides a new version of Microsoft Network Monitoring Driver (3.x) that can run under Windows7/Vista/2008. As of version 1.6, SmartSniff can use this driver to capture network traffic. A new version of the Microsoft Network Monitor driver can be downloaded from Microsoft's website. Note: If WinPcap is already installed on your system, and you want to use the Microsoft Network Monitoring Driver method, it is recommended to use the /NoCapDriver command to run SmartSniff, as the Microsoft Network Monitoring Driver may not be available if WinPcap is also loaded normal work.
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