opensslChapter哈希数据结构 | 企业管理 2022-09-19 79 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Chapter 1 Basics 101.1 Symmetric Algorithms 101.2 Digest Algorithms 101.3 Public Key Algorithms 111.4 Callback Functions 13 Chapter 2 Introduction to OpenSSL 152.1 Introduction to OpenSSL 152.2 Installation of OpenSSL 152.2.1 Installation under Linux 152.2.2 Compilation and Installation of Windows 152.3 Source Code of OpenSSL 162.4 Learning Methods of OpenSSL 18 Chapter 3 Warehouse 193.1 OpenSSL Warehouse 193.2 Data Structure 193.3 Source Code 193.4 Defining User's Own Warehouse Functions 203.5 Programming Example 21 Chapter 4 Hash Table 234.1 Hash Table 234.2 Hash Table Data Structure 234.3 Function Description 244.4 Programming Example 26 Chapter 5 Memory Allocation 295.1 openssl Memory Allocation 295.2 Memory Data Structures 295.3 Primary Functions 305.4 Programming Examples 30 Chapter 6 Dynamic Module Loading 326.1 Dynamic Library Loading 326.2 DSO Overview 326.3 Data Structures 326.4 Programming Examples 33 Chapter 7 General IO367.1 openssl General IO367.2 Data Structure 367.3BIO functions 377.4 Programming examples 387.4.1membio387.4.2filebio387.4.3socketbio397.4.4mdBIO417.4.5cipherBIO417.4.6sslBIO42 Chapter 8 Configuration files 45 Chapter 9 Random numbers 48 Chapter 10 Text databases 52 Chapter 11 Large numbers 56 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 BASE64 Codec 66 Chapter 13 ASN1 Library 70 Chapter 14 Error Management 95 Chapter 15 Summary and HMAC102
openssl programming.doc)


下一篇:scandisk 数据加密使用说明。