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(Microsoft Windows Scripting Technology This section JScriptMicrosoft's powerful scripting language is designed for the Internet. JScript.NET is the next-generation implementation of the Microsoft ECMA262 language. Developed with ECMAScript Edition 4, improvements in JScript.NET include precisely compiled code, typed and untyped variables, classes (with built-in inheritance, function overloading, property accessors, etc.), packages, cross-language support, And access to .NET structures. VBScriptMicrosoftVisualBasicScriptingEdition provides effective scripting methods for various environments, including Web client-side scripting in MicrosoftInternetExplorer and Web server-side scripting in MicrosoftInternetInformationServices. The dictionary object is equivalent to PERL's associative array at script runtime. Items can be data in any arbitrary way, stored in arrays. Each item is associated with only one keyword. Keywords are used to retrieve individual items, usually an integer or string, which can be anything other than an array. The FileSystemObject (FSO) object model allows you to manage folders and files using the object.method syntax you understand and a set of properties, methods, and things. Script Encoder is a simple command-line tool that enables script designers to encode their own final scripts so that Web hosts and Web clients cannot inspect or modify their source code. Windows Script Components Microsoft? Windows? Script components provide you with a scripting language, such as Microsoft? VisualBasic? ScriptingEdition (VBScript) and Microsoft? JScript? Create a simple method of COM components. Windows Scripting Host MicrosoftWindows Scripting Host (WSH) is a tool that allows you to run VisualBasicScriptingEdition and JScript inside the base operating system (Windows95 or WindowsNT4.0.). Windows Scripting Interface (English) The Microsoft Windows Scripting Interface introduces a new way to enhance scripting and OLE automation for using programs. This document includes the following attachments:
Network Malicious Code Security Manual.pdf
Including multiple files, please download and test by yourself!)

