文件theandfiles | 企业管理 2022-09-18 105 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Checking and killing page Trojans monitors file changes in real time. Once the Trojans appear on the page, they will be managed immediately, so that the Trojans will not have a hiding place; basically manage the website being invaded/intruded, hung/horse! Antivirus software consumes a lot of resources. 1. Real-time check and kill FTP upload, online upload and other comprehensive file changes. 2. Rich and professional page Trojan virus database, the virus database is automatically upgraded every day. Hacker privilege escalation protection real-time monitoring system users (groups), so that hackers can not create administrator accounts (can also determine arbitrary user groups), to ensure that the server is not hacked arbitrarily. Faced with shadow accounts that are very difficult to find (super hidden accounts in the system), the guardian can also capture and manage them in time, so that hackers have no hiding place! Remote login to monitor hacker intrusion/intrusion into the ultimate protection level, real-time monitoring of 3389 remote connections, as long as permission Only authorized computer users can log in, and unauthorized users will be shut out. You can set the permitted IP, IP segment, computer name, domain name, etc. PHPd/dos protection prevents PHP scripts from launching tcp and udp attacks externally, does not change system settings, does not affect the work of the collection program, and has no side effects. File monitoring monitors file (folder) changes in real time, and immediately manages files (folders) that do not meet the rules and restrictions. 1. The file (folder) name can be set to prevent including specific characters. 2. You can set the permission in the folder or block certain types of files (such as preventing MP3, EXE executable files from being presented in the website). 3. You can limit the file size to avoid uploading large files. 4. The RSH attribute of the file can be limited to avoid the presentation of special files. 5. Can prevent the creation of deformed files (folders). Warped file monitoring prevents the creation of special files or folders. For example, the directory or attribute with a dot at the end includes R (read-only), H (hidden), and S (system) files. Such files (folders) often hide Trojan files and hinder the normal work of software such as automatic backup and automatic compression. SQL injection protection Super strong protection against SQL injection. It can intercept SQL injection behavior of GET, POST, COOKIES and other methods. Feature codes can be defined for GET, POST, and COOKIES respectively.
Guardian God_Ver1.7.3.exe
Guardian installation environment detection.exe)

