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(The adsl account password detector supports all windows platforms such as winxp and win7. It not only supports the detection of passwords under desktop software windows such as Outlook and FTP, but also supports the detection of web-style asterisk passwords such as Gmail and yahoo. It also supports retrieval of broadband dial-up passwords and storage. ADSL password in the router. This software is small in size, fast in operation, and simple in operation. It is the most powerful asterisk password detector known on the Internet. Note: This kind of software will report viruses. If you don't clean it, please don't download it.
ADSL Password Detector-Free Killing Edition\ADSL Password Detector.exe
ADSL Password Detector-Free Killing Edition\TweakAssistKrnl.dll
ADSL Password Detector-Free Killing Edition\Instructions.txt


下一篇:侠客密码查看器 V4.80 绿色版_强大的星号密码查看功能