(Version compatible SSH complete jar package download, STRUTS2.0 HIBERNATE3.0 SPRING2.5
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\antlr-2.7.6.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\aopalliance.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\asm-2.2.3.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\asm-commons-2.2.3.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\asm-util-2.2.3.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\aspectjlib.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\aspectjrt.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\aspectjweaver.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\cglib-2.2.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-attributes-api.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-attributes-compiler.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-codec.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-collections-3.1.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-dbcp.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-fileupload.jar
SSH combined with the required jar package 1\commons-httpclient.jar)