andsecuritythe安全 | 企业管理 2022-09-15 116 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Introduction This book creatively combines firewall technology and intrusion/intrusion detection technology to fully demonstrate the power of open source software. The book comprehensively discusses the iptables firewall, and specifically commented on how to use psad, fwsnort, fwknop3 open source software to maximize the performance of iptables detection and attack protection services. Many real examples and source codes are more helpful for readers to understand the principles, technologies and practical operations of security protection. This book explains clearly and is very practical, suitable for Linux system administrators, network security professional and technical personnel and broad computer security enthusiasts to read. About the author MichaelRash is a world-class security technology expert, and is well-known in the security field for his achievements in firewalls and intrusion detection systems. He is the developer of well-known open source security software such as psad, fwknop, and fwsnort, and the security architect of the award-winning Dragon intrusion/intrusion prevention system. In addition to this book, he also co-authored works such as Snort2.1IntrusionDetection and IntrusionPreventionandActiveResponse, and is a columnist for well-known technical media such as LinuxJournal, SysAdmin and; login:. .....This document includes the following attachments:
Linux Firewall (by Michael Rash, a world-class security technologist).pdf
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