security安全settingsChapter | 企业管理 2022-09-13 107 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(Content introduction: This book takes computer security protection as the theme, from system optimization to network security, from data backup to data recovery, from security strategies to security misunderstandings, from virus detection to hacker prevention, and comprehensively introduces various aspects of computer security. skills. The main contents include, WindowsXP and Vista optimization and settings, registry optimization, BIOS password settings, optimization of the use of software, enhanced system security, system security restrictions and privacy maintenance, document and folder security protection, Trojan killing and prevention, Internet security settings, email security settings, instant chat tool security settings and firewall settings, system data backup and recovery, etc. Contents: Chapter 1 System Intrusion and Encryption Chapter 2 Windows XP Security Policy Chapter 3 Computer File Management, Data Backup and System Optimization Chapter 4 Hacker Prevention and Management Chapter 5 Computer Software Security Settings Chapter 6 Intranet Security Skills Chapter 4 Chapter 7 Network Settings, Security Management and Virus Scanning
[Computer Security Protection].Anonymous.Scanned Version.pdf

