企业管理 2022-09-13 112 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

("ARP Firewall" is a software product developed by Caiying Software since 2005 and has completely independent intellectual property rights. It is also the first software product in China to provide a comprehensive solution to ARP problems. Through the introduction of ARP common sense, you can understand that to ensure the security of data communication between the host and the gateway, two points must be ensured: 1. The gateway MAC obtained by the host is accurate 2. The host MAC obtained by the gateway is accurate The ARP firewall can fully satisfy the above two requests. First, the ARP firewall intercepts fake ARP packets at the kernel layer of the operating system to ensure that the gateway MAC obtained by the host is accurate and not affected by fake ARP packets. At the same time, the automatic protection function of the ARP firewall can notify the gateway of the exact MAC address of the host to ensure that the MAC of the host obtained by the gateway is accurate. This document includes the following attachments:

