工具BackTracktools各类 | 企业管理 2022-09-13 91 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(BackTrack Chinese Guide V7 Backtrack Chinese guide will gradually remove everything before backtrack5. Others have absorbed Kevin2600's suggestions and added some new content, hehe. The basic part of Backtrack has been gradually improved, and since then, the guide will mainly increase the use of various tools. According to the tool classification of backtrack5, the following fifteen chapters are also added to this guide. The training time depends on the content of each technology. Examples explain the use of various tools, the principles and practical use of various technologies, the writing principles of various tools, and high-end DIY rewriting of various tools. The above courses are divided into three categories: primary (Linux basics, python basics, perl basics), intermediate (use of various backtrack tools, focusing on aircrack-ng series tools and metasploitframework), high-level (backtrack various technical principles, tool rewriting and Chineseization) three practice group at each level. 1. Basic knowledge of Linux2.InformationGathering information collection tool3.VulnerabilityAssessment vulnerability detection tool4.ExploitationTools exploit tool5.PrivilegeEscalation privilege escalation tool6.MaintainingAccess protection access tool7.Reverseengineering reverse engineering tool8.RFIDToolsRFID tool9.StressTesting stress test Tools 10.Forensics Forensics Tools 11.ReportingTools Reporting Tools 12.Services 13.Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 14.python Programming Fundamentals 15.perl Programming Fundamentals
BackTrack Chinese Guide V7 (password: bluedon).pdf)

