系统informationthe统计 | 企业管理 2022-09-13 103 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品

(From a statistical point of view, information system is broadly defined as a resource system formed by enterprises relying on electronic technology, computer technology and network technology to support the operation of enterprises, including hardware support platforms and production and use systems. The definition of information systems statistical contrast prevailing is: the process of monitoring, evaluating and controlling the effectiveness, efficiency and security of information systems and their operational use in accordance with recognized standards and guidelines, in order to recognize that predetermined business programmes have been achieved. It can be seen that information system statistics is a means of collecting and evaluating statistical basis to determine whether the information system can maintain the safety of property, maintain the integrity of data, effectively realize the plan of the statistical unit, and use the arranged resources efficiently, etc. the process of making judgments.
The use of information system statistics in the internal statistics of life insurance companies.doc)

