KotlinJava代码to | 其他 2021-08-25 573 0star收藏 版权: . 保留作者信息 . 禁止商业使用 . 禁止修改作品
Kotlin 以其兼容性、可读性、效率和工具支持提高了 Java 虚拟机上编程语言的标准。但是采用一种新语言可能令人生畏,尤其是当您使用必须满足不断变化的需求的关键业务 Java 代码时。

本书采用一种新颖的方法向 Java 程序员介绍 Kotlin:向您展示如何在继续发展其功能的同时逐步将 Java 代码重构为惯用的 Kotlin。但将 Java 转换为 Kotlin 只是起点。 Kotlin 有许多超越 Java 的特性。

作者 Duncan McGregor 和 Nat Pryce 使用工作示例指导您磨练转换后的代码,使其更简单、更高效、更具表现力且更易于更改。您将学习如何利用函数式构造来改进程序结构、可靠性和错误处理。

完成本书后,您将有信心从头开始编写 Kotlin,在适当的时候转换现有的 Java,并随着时间的推移管理混合的 Java-Kotlin 代码库。

(Kotlin has raised the bar for programming languages on the Java Virtual Machine with its compatibility, readability, efficiency, and tool support. But adopting a new language can be daunting, especially when you're working with business-critical Java code that must meet changing requirements.

This book takes a novel approach to introducing Kotlin to Java programmers: showing you how to gradually refactor Java code to idiomatic Kotlin while continuing to evolve its functionality. But converting Java to Kotlin is just the starting point. Kotlin has many features beyond Java.

Using worked examples, authors Duncan McGregor and Nat Pryce guide you through honing the converted code to make it simpler, more efficient, more expressive, and easier to change. You'll learn how to take advantage of functional constructs to improve program structure, reliability, and error handling.

Once you finish this book, you'll be confident writing Kotlin from scratch, converting your existing Java when appropriate, and managing a mixed Java-Kotlin codebase as it evolves over time.)

Java to Kotlin.epub

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