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(An IPSecIOS image that supports SSH. In our example, we will use CiscoIOS commands. Run the following command: Routergt;Showflash This command displays the name of the loaded IOS image. You can use the results to compare your vendor's list of supported features. After you've verified that your device supports SSH, make sure the device has a hostname and an accurately configured host domain, like the following: Routergt;configterminalRouter(config)#H/OSTnamebenetbenet(config)#ipdomain-namebenet at this time , you can enable the SSH server on the router. To enable the SSH server, you must first generate a pair of RSA keys using the following command: benet(config)#cryptokeygeneratersa Generating a pair of RSA keys on the router will automatically enable SSH. If you delete the pair of RSA keys, The SSH server is automatically disabled.
Router switch ssh configuration (root combination).doc)

